I returned to San Diego very late one night due to delays from a hurricane approaching Hawaii where I had a 4 hour layover. The Honolulu airport was a flurry of activity with people trying to get off the island before the hurricane hit. It took a long time to get through customs and then again through security, but luckily there were delays to help get my bag to the right place and find my gate. I stopped for a beer and some lunch and listened as the bartender proclaimed "We fly through storms, there shouldn't be any worries about flights." I felt reassured that I would get home.
My flight landed only 20 minutes late and my dear friend, Katy was there to pick me up. I waited and waited at baggage claim for my suitcase but it clearly did not make it. A woman came up to me and asked if I had flown from Australia because that was the only bag that didn't make the flight. I was so tired after travelling for 24 hours that I got a little choked up and upset. I asked when my bag would make it and they gave me a confidant "I don't know". I filled the claim form out and slumped into Katy's car with apologies for the delay. She was sweet about it and even had bananas and granola bars for me to eat in the morning.
The next afternoon, my bag arrived along with an epic case of jet lag. My body was sure that 4am was bedtime for most of the week. I tried sleeping pills, sleepy tea, yoga, meditation and the lay there until you fall asleep approach. My body just needed time. I spent 4 weeks in a time zone that is 15 hours ahead and finished in one 17 hours ahead. I clearly needed to be patient. It took a full week, but I am now able to fall asleep at a normal time. I forgot how hard it is to recover when flying East.
Lost baggage and jet lag aside, I am so grateful to be home and reconnect with my friends who have been so wonderful. I went on a harbor cruise and saw San Diego from the bay while enjoying laughter and friendship. Yesterday, I met up with an old friend that I haven't seen in 6 years. She just recently moved back to San Diego and it was almost like that much time didn't pass. It was great to reconnect and learn about each other's lives and transformations. And today, I was able to practice oceanfront yoga after my friend dropped off her beach cruiser for me. It was a lovely morning totally unplanned and absolutely perfect. Later, another friend came over and brought me flowers to cheer me up and we had dinner together.
I am feeling so much gratitude for the people in my life and the place I live. There is a renewed sense of joy that has come over me, especially after learning through so much discomfort on my trip. Today I did a meditation that went over 2 kinds of hope. There is the anxious hope of things to come and then an open and active hope tied to aspirations. The second is expansive and all encompassing. I feel this type of hope. I am open to whatever may come and acknowledge the closed doors and chapters as hopeful signs of better things to come.