If my flight wasn't delayed at LAX, I wouldn't have been able to see the pink cotton candy clouds at daybreak.

My sunrise in Sydney this morning!

Becky driving on the wrong side of the road...

If you've watched Ghost Rider, this is the bridge he drives on...

Downtown Melbourne by the Yarra River.
After 27 hours, I am here safe and sound. [
O.K. Now I can B- R-E- A -T -H -E !
Thank You, Oh Thank you!
All I have done is think of your new adventure that the Lord has given you. Enjoy it and have a great time with the Beckster and Kane. Emmy, I was soooo proud of you that all I did at the store was tell my customers about driving down to SFO and watch my Emmy getting nervously excited as you got out of the car. You know, I stood outside at the curb hoping that you would turn and smile and wave. I love how you have begun chronicling your adventure for all of us at home. I love you honey, enjoy!!!!!
So glad to see that you're safe and sound! Thanks for letting us know. Sorry we missed your call yesterday, but we'll catch up on Skype.
Good to hear that your safe. Tell Becky hi and I will be checking your blog for updates. One thing I noticed in Fiji was that Rugby was huge in that part of the world. Maybe you can explain that game to me when you get back, I had no clue!?!
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